Sunday, January 8, 2012

Found some color

While I was out taking a few photos of the brown landscape I was able to see the surprising  splotches of color on a few man made items.  The mold and mildew that grows on the roof of this birdhouse is amazing.

A wooden pump that I created from used barn boards puts out a great  spot of color in a very brown landscape.

It is Sunday and we have a few things to do on our agenda.  After church we were asked to go to the bookstore and pick up some books our neighbor had ordered.  We wouldn't normal stop there but it will be great to stop in for a while before going home.  We also need to go to the grocery store and start to rebuild our food supplies in our new Frigidaire.  We won't buy all at once but we will get started on some essentials that will allow us to plan meals in the future instead of one day at a time.

I didn't get my Christmas trees down yet so I will start this afternoon taking down the small ones.  We tend to dismantle it all a little at a time through the week as it looks very barren once it is all gone.  Barney will be glad to have more living room space to run around in without hitting a tree with his tail.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

1 comment:

  1. John built a couple of blue bird houses with scrap wood he had this weekend.

    The birds sure provide us a lot of joy, don't they?

    I can just imagine Barney's tail knocking ornaments off the Christmas trees! I visited one blogger whose cats were sad to see their hiding place go away (the Christmas tree!)
