Wednesday, January 4, 2012

If I had more time.......

I would sit and read my magazines.  The one on top is new and the others were freebies from the library at school.

I can only dream.  I don't think that I will ever have a green house.  I do have enough old windows saved in the basement that I could create a recycled one.  I guess that could happen in my next retirement period of my life.

Garden Design is the magazine that I like to visit to get photography idea.  They employ creative photographers who show you the unusual angles to plants and still life objects.

I learned about the Tundra Swan in this magazine as I flipped through it to take these photos.  It is called Iowa Outdoors.  I didn't realize that they migrated through Iowa along our rivers on our borders.

I am subbing at many different locations today, covering for people who are gone a different times of the day.  My last part of the day will be in the Special Education room helping a couple of students with their math assignments.

We are to be up to 60 degrees tomorrow which is unheard of during this time of year in Iowa.  I see Florida is getting our cold temperatures right now.  I hope they don't get any damage to their tropical plants down there.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. I am sure you could build yourself a little greenhouse..I love the ones made out of old is almost tropical up here in Minnesota it is 35 degrees ABOVE zero:)

  2. Just noticed a new pic of Aaron and Keegan and two it off! Those dogs look great! :)

  3. Larry,

    I am there with you on the greenhouse. I would love to have one that I could putter around in during the winter months. Actually I would like to have one of the old English estate style “glasshouse”, one with the sunken earthen planting areas where plants actually are grown in the ground. Alas, I can only dream. – gary
