Monday, January 2, 2012

Starting over......

The gift of the red African violet is doing well. It has proven to me that it likes my south window.  It's blooms took a hit when I first received it but it is now over the shock of the move. Once I get some new soil I will try to propagate new plans from it's leaves.

I go back to work tomorrow so I am trying to get some loose ends done today.  We may go to a bookstore this afternoon to feel the freedom one last time.  I will take two of the little trees down today.  The one tree blocks the view of the birdfeeder.  I want to move the feeder closer to the house but it may not happen today.

Our appliances will not arrive today.  One of them had been dented during shipping so we will be having our delivery date moved to Friday.  Patience is growing thin but it could be a worse situation so we are grinning and bearing it.  We also are headed to the laundry mat to dry two batches of clothes.

It is a slow day for me and I will check in again tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  1. You will do great with that could start a business..Larry the Violet Guy! Back to school seems like vacation just began:(

  2. I love the violet.

    Sorry to hear about the delay in the appliances. Nothing worse than lugging wet clothes to the laundry mat.
    Hope your week goes well.
