Thursday, February 16, 2012

Old photos in a photo..........

Andrew and Aaron

Sitting in the high school science room the past two days, I was reminded of days gone by when both of my boys attended kindergarten in the same room.  The building has been remodeled and a wing of classrooms was added but the kindergarten room really is almost the same room in tact from years ago.  The alphabet floor tile has been removed and modern windows have been added and the room was enlarged  in length.

I snapped this photo of photos off the shelf last night and I guess the informality is there because that is what it is.  Andy is a Lake Pokegama playing with his plastic boats.  He had a fleet of those cheap dime store boats and this one had a string so it wouldn't get away from him.  Aaron is sitting in the kitchen holding his shoes ready for someone to put them on his feet. The old kitchen carpet is long gone now and so are those stylish appliances. Andy is 35 years old now and Aaron in 32 years old.

I was out of pictures to use on my blogs so I snapped things that were sitting on the shelves in the fireplace area.  I miss the antique store that had been in Osceola, Iowa.  It was large with two floors of booths from various sellers. I bought this down there a few years back.  I would stop in on the way hone from visiting mom maybe twice a year and usually found some figurine object or planter.

I will finish off today with a small glazed piece that my wife has in her collection.  It is a collection of pieces that have the pastel colored glazes.  Unlike the chicken above, she collects the animals and people who are created in this style.  I believe they are all high fired porcelain pieces but they were low priced finds.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Those are some sweet memories of your sons. That classroom holds a lot of nostalgia. Must feel kind of special knowing your boys were taught there too.

  2. Stopping over for a visit - thanks for visiting my blog.. I need to get back into posting on my photo blog... your pictures are always interesting!

  3. You are very nostalgic today..our girls are going to be 40 and 37 this seems only yesterday that they were little. My Grandma had a pair of Roosters like yours..I had not thought about that in a long time:)

  4. Such cute photos of your sons. They are the same age as my brother's children. It seems like yesterday that they were just young kids playing.
    Love seeing more of your and Della's collections. We have an antique store closeby and I enjoy walking through every couple of weeks to see what's new. Even if I don't buy anything, I enjoy memories from the items I see.
