Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In Progress.....

It is a very large frame and it is in good shape except for this corner.  It looks like  it has been rubbed against something as the gold on it has rubbed off and or faded.  I have a gold pen that i am using to restore it but my gold paint does not have the shine as the original one does.  I my have to put a shiny clear finish on top of it to get it to shine like all the rest.

I have a large photo to mat and frame with glass for my older gentleman friend.  He had me restore another frame holing a photo of an old bridge.  This poster will also be of a bridge but of the modern one that replaced the older one.  I will show you when I am finished because as you can see it is in progress.

I am in the at risk room today helping people to get their homework caught up or done.  It is a great way to keep track of some who need to be hovered over a lot so they will be able to  pass in their studies.  My cold is better, I don't feel great, but I can work.   Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Larry, always What exactly is a risk room? I'm imagining a remedial place, a place to be tutored. Are you working in schools?

  2. The teacher of this classroom calls it the Success Room. staying positive instead of the negative of At Risk. At Risk students are not necessarily special ed as much as they have social needs or behaviors that keep them from staying on task or getting work done. In most cases they are smart enough, just not directed positively enough to make it through school.

  3. What a beautiful frame..I am glad to hear you feel a bit better. I think I am over the worst of it..finally:)
