Monday, February 20, 2012

No more cake, either..........

I posted that I had the last brownie eaten..  I didn't mention that my wife made me a red velvet cake for Valentine's day.  Unfortunately it is now gone also. We do have some Girl Scout cookies squirreled away if we get desperate.  Our neighbor lady brought us some chicken and noodles today to help us both fight our colds or mild flu.  We should be at the end of this round soon.  I plan to return to work tomorrow.

We are going to receive rain today.  It is just sprinkling right now and Barney and I just made it inside after our walk before it started.  It isn't cold enough to be cold but the weather guy keeps mentioning snow.

I have a box to be made for the shipping of an artwork that my wife has sold.  No mail today as it is President's Day.  But we will mail it out tomorrow.  Della had a commissioned work of a dog portrait that she created of someones dog that they had lost to old age.  With Della's business I have learned how to make boxes efficiently out of scrap boxes and flat cardboard pieces.  We buy glass by the case and I will have to use one of those boxes to create my shipping box today.  I am resting up right now to get the energy to go do that.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Red of my favorites. I will never forget my college friends' mom would send one back to school with her and we would devour it!!!!! Hope you both feel better soon.

  2. Larry, I just finished looking at the previous post and that last brownie and then get to see this wonderful cake. What a nice Valentine's Day treat from your sweetie!

  3. Larry,
    My eyes are beginning to well up with the thoughts of that lush red velvet cake having met its demise. But I am so glad to find out that I am not the only one that hides Girl Scout cookies for hard times, lol. Hoping the generosity of your neighbor and her soup have you both feeling better. – gary

  4. That cake looks great to me! That ought to cure your cold for sure! :)
