Thursday, February 2, 2012

Picasa 3-bah humbug

I finally downloaded the Picasa 3 to play with the program.  It is not that I can't do a lot with Photoshop or iPhoto, it is that I wanted to play with the collage part of the program. I am extremely frustrated.  I finally figured out how to move the  finished item to my picasa photo album, but I don't understand it.  I don't want to make a new folder ever time I move a picture over to the album.

Why does it have to be so hard?????????

I don't like that it that it won't let me save things to the desktop directly. I don't really want to copy and paste things every single time into another program. I spent the day working on the school website and working with google docs. A lot of that is very complicated and that is what working on a website is all about but this picasa program is just a foreign program.  It should be easier that this. I usually try to get an overview of how and why the program works but it just doesn't seem that friendly to me to be able to even understand it.

Maybe a few days down the road and a couple of more tries a light bulb will come on and I will figure it out. 

It is Thursday and  my last post is the result of clicking the camera pointed to the ground while walking.  There was no red around at the time but the blur translated into red and gray.

Thanks for stopping by today.......I am subbing for a sub was subbing for a woman who is out and had her baby.  Math is my duty today.


  1. Sounds very frustrating. I use Photoshop for the little bit of editing I do. Anything else is too complicated for me to tackle.

  2. I have not tried Picassa..just photo shop and a scrapbook program..that is easy. There must be a You Tube out there that explains it all..I hate difficult programs....hang in there Larry! Great walk about photo:)

  3. I keep hoping my brother will have time to teach me ANYTHING about photos! I know nothing!

    Seeing your photo of the ground as you were moving reminds me of the pic my brother took when he and John saw a bear at one of the waterfalls they were visiting. Larry began to run and forgot to turn the camera off!
