Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday's Stuff.........

It is starting to open it's blooms.  This is the side that wasn't in bloom when I bought the plant at the lumber store.  I couldn't get the sticker off of the pot so I removed the foil around the pot and it now sits inside a terracotta clay flower pot.  I will have to work on getting a drainage container under it.

The bloom of a Christmas cactus are unusual looking with the two sets of ruffles and then a bunched together group of stamens at the point.

Another shot at a different angle.  I didn't dare sit that clay pot onto the dining room table or I would be in trouble. I had just washed the pot and it was dry but still had moisture on it and wasn't dry.

I thought I was through taking photos but then I saw the light shining through it from across the room.

We are snowed in today as the snow keeps coming and the roads are very slippery. This is an early morning photo of the neighbor's bungalow. If and when it stops snowing they will start to clear the streets.  I ran up to the local grocery to pick up important things for survival in the early morning when it was just starting to snow.  It takes short breaks and we look like it has stopped snowing, then it starts up again.  Weather people are saying we will receive about 5 to 8 inches in our area.

I do have plans to go back out for more photos as the evergreens are really loaded down with snow.  I will wait until later in the day as it will be the best build up of snow for me to show you.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. This is a real treat, Larry. My cacti are finished blooming for the season. How nice to have these blooms coming out in the grey (or snowy) days of January/February.

  2. Those Christmas Cactus blooms were worth waiting for! Beautiful! Sounds like you are getting dumped on..snow fun for you! :)

  3. The Christmas Cactus is very pretty. I have one that has been in my family for years.

    We're snowy today too.

  4. The blooms of your cactus are very pretty. I like the one with the light from the window, especially. I'm glad you were able to buy a few necessities before the roads got so bad. I look forward to seeing your trees covered in snow pictures. You two take care.
