Saturday, February 25, 2012

Snow on the multiple roofs.........

It is Saturday and I am still plugging along slowly.  The week long siege of the head cold and such took its toll on my energy level.  I work for a while and then I sit down.  I have some framing to mess with today and we also need to go get some mat board for some new projects.

 Someone brought me their replica of a $100,000 check that he won in the lottery games.  They want it framed but don't want to spend too much on it.  Catch the joke there?   He said it he didn't want to put too much money in the frame or the job in general.  You can see why I have worked myself out of the business as much as possible.

I asked my wife if we went to Hobby Lobby to get framing and art supplies that maybe we could pick up a sandwich somewhere.  We might actually venture over to a bookstore or something like that.  It will be nice to get out of the house.  We are out of dog food and orange juice so we have to go somewhere anyway.

My Christmas cactus has decided to bloom all over again.  I bought it with a third of it in bloom and wow it is has new buds all over it again.  I guess my climate is so different than the greenhouse it came from that it thinks it is spring again.  It has been a week since I started the violet slips and they are all looking very good.  I slipped the whole container of new starts into a clear plastic bag to help keep the soil moist.  I will have to remember the date to see how long it takes them to sprout new leaves.

Speaking of the subject of coffee prices, they sure crept up and stayed there.  With the gasoline prices being forced onto us and the coffee being so sky high I am wondering what next will we be hit with in the future.

I did finally buy a six dollar jar of peanut butter the other day.  It was a very large container and it ended up being about what the regular price should be if you proportioned the amount per cost.

I am taking a break from coffee for a while and the price should be of no concern.  I will be back on the wonderful beverage some day again but not right now.  I bet the price will still be high when I return to it.

It is sunny again today and the temperature is 16 degrees this morning.  I guess we will get above freezing later today but the sunshine is so welcomed.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. What a regal shot of the birdhouse!!!

    Your Christmas cactus looks like it's giftin' you again...'just beautiful. I kill all cacti...I want to take care of 'em too much and over water.

    'Love those vintage coffee cans...I do so remember 'em.

    God bless y and have a super Saturday!!!

  2. I see this morning they have 3 eggs in the nest. Your bird house would make a great Christmas card.

  3. The birdhouse is lovely covered in snow. Sorry you are still feeling the effects of the head cold. Coffee prices are outrageous. It is one of the few things John has not had to give up but my acid reflux keeps me from enjoying it these days. Your cactus has certainly been happy in your growing conditions. Can't wait to see your violet starts. Hope you both enjoy your time out this afternoon. Take care.

  4. I hope you get to the always like going there. I buy coffee when it is one sale..need it or not.. Peanut Butter Skippy in the big jars is 12 dollars at our local Grocery store but we found some at a Walmart for 6..bought five jars! I find if I shop the sales I can keep groceries on my shelf..and enjoy sale prices.
    Your Christmas Cactus is very pretty for a confused three time bloomer:)
