Sunday, March 25, 2012

Photos for fun...........

My first tulips are these little ones.  They are a strange tulip as they open wide like the sunshine and then close back up like this by evening.

Our neighbor's Tom Tom is such a pleasant guy.  He likes to be petted by my wife and he loves to sneak onto the porch and eat Yellow Kitty's leftovers.  He was sitting out in the garden in the sun just watching my every move as I was taking photos.

My vinca vine does bloom.  It must bloom very early in the spring as I don't usually see blooms the rest of the summer.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. I wish I can grow tulips too. Yours are so pretty!!!

    I have a tulip postcard that I'm waiting to come in the mail but it's been quite a while now... :(

  2. My tulips close at night too. I like the color you have. Vinca vine looks so good. I get a few flowers but like it best for the leaves.

  3. What a pretty kitty. Love your tulips and vinca.

  4. Luscious tulips! I think that the "emperor" ones close up when they first bloom:)
