Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring growth........

It still looks very brown out there in the garden but the first to put out color is popping up out of the soil. I also have ditch lilies and another vine that is coming through the soil.  The violets will actually start blooming soon but I don't remember if they bloom first before the daffodils.  This is all deceiving as we can drop back into cold weather so quickly.  I really hope not.

As a footnote to a previous blog when I was concerned about getting my very heavy tv to the landfill.  The two landfill people picked it up and threw it into the back of the garbage truck, after reading the heavy sign I had placed on it, and the tv is now gone.

As you can see my new set has a great picture.  Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Larry,
    Glad to see you are getting the first tentative sights of spring. Yes, winter can still make it presents known in the next few weeks. But I am with you in the hopes that the really, really cold weather is over. Hoping you have a great week. – gary

  2. Looks like the shoots are getting taller, wait until you get a few nice days of sunshine and they'll be blooming !

    Nice of them to take your tv, you never can tell if they would or not. Must have been a good day :)

  3. I have one ditch lilie that is back, was hoping for more.
    Glad for you that spring is coming up and the snow is gone.

  4. Hi Larry, Nice to see the spring shoots coming through. We don't have tulips or jonquils but we sure have enjoyed our neighbors.

    Glad your tv is working out well. This time of year, I enjoy watching some of the singing (talent) type shows and also, Dancing with the Stars!

  5. Looks to me like you have excellent color with that new set..what kind is it. I should get a new Tv for the Living on off button is jammed and broken can only control it with the remote. have green..looks wonderful to me! :)

  6. I think there is not a bad digital set. They had this one on sale as the Best Buy building was being enlarged and they didn't want to move it. I think it was their brand name. The new features, besides it being light weight allows so much easier adjustment and dvd player hookup.
