Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Late Bloomer.....

I don't remember planting these tulips but they did come out as a surprise to me.  There must have been a dozen of them as I have planted them in two different locations.

As evidence to being late bloomers you can see the fading tulip in the background.  I have one other set of late bloomers to photograph and it will be moving on into the peony and iris season. 

My wife and I went to see the Titanic movie yesterday.  It is an experience of the event beyond any love story.  The class rules of rich and poor, the treatment of woman as property, and the opinion of your own importance in comparison to others tends to fade away when 1,500 are ready to face death. 

I really enjoy reading about how actual models of the boat werecreated three different ways to created the movie. The ship was almost life size that was used for most taping. The platform part of the one set actually was lowered with hydraulic arms into the water and water did eventually ruin the wooden grand staircase.  The sets were reproduced from drawings and photos. The costumes, food, furniture and even suitcases were recreated from historic refeences.

It is a three hour movie and when the air conditioning starts to blow cold air into the theater it does make it more authentic with the iceberg being viewed on screen.

Celebrating my wife's birthday today by eating out after church. I baked a cake last night for her and we will have a quiet afternoon and eat some cake.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Love these photos of your tulips, Larry. I especially like the top one, as I can fill the sun in that one. Very nice!

  2. A beautiful display of multi colored tulips...aren"t they early this year as we have had a balmy very early spring...ours are up early too. With all the attention to Titanic, I did play the soundtrac today when I cleaned the kitchen floor. Not watching the rerunnings of the movies though it was a great one, somewhere we have a copy...but maybe it's on an old VHS.

  3. Surprise flowers are gifts from God. They simply manifest as a present of love. They are beautiful. Probably even more beautiful is the movie, the cake and celebrating your wife's birthday. Wishing you both many more celebrations together.

  4. Belated Happy Birthday to Della! I hope the cake you baked was her favorite! Lovely tulips..who said red and yellow don't go together:)
