Sunday, May 27, 2012

Repeating myself........

This is another view of the bouquet.  Peonies just don't last very long but they are a beautiful flower.  It is very hot again today with record heat in the 90's.  It looks like we have one more day of it before it cools down about ten degrees.

My wife's milk glass container has a nice design on it's side.  Della has a lot of these pieces from her mom's collection.  She actually had to  share  it with other family members but she still has a lot of wonderful milk glass.

White glass like this has a great character of it's own with the touch and sight of it.  I is  a thicker form of glass and has such  nice patterns molded in it.

This is the last of the blooms on this rose bush.  I need to prune all the old blooms back so it can set on new buds.  I am watering my roses as the heat is really too much for them otherwise.  I heard on a blog from someone that said they need to be kept watered through June.

It's been a quiet Sunday.  It is too hot to be outside but I want to venture out and get some  new shots.  Maybe something else other than flowers.  I have been busy but will have tomorrow off before I go back to work on Tuesday.  My new job is taking a toll on my body and I am glad to get some physical rest.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. We are having very hot days, also. I love your flower pics and your wife's milk glass is lovely. Mama had a tea pitcher/tumblers in this same pattern. Funny story, when I was a kid, I would press my silly putty into the design on the milk glass!!!!
    Enjoy a day off tomorrow.

  2. Larry. I love all your blogs but your visual of Memorial Day was a winner. Polar Bear

  3. So us about your new job?? The pink rose is wonderful! Hope you cooled off down there we are headed into very cool temps up here:(
