Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wandering Wednesday........

As a child the only iris I would ever see were the ones growing in the cemetery.  I would be with my parents as they would go to the Murray and Macksburg cemeteries to decorate.  The one's that stuck in my mind was the brown and yellow one.

There are sites on the internet that talk about these iris and they call them "cemetery iris."  When I write about them,  fellow blogger friends sometimes think I made that up but I didn't.  The blue and white one is one of my favorites in my collection.

This is the brown and yellow one that always impressed me when I was a kid.  I think every family farm had it growing like a weed among their grassed in areas of the yards.  In those days we really didn't mow our yards so gardens were growing among the tall orchard grass.

I have a book about iris and the author wrote as fact that the one above has been named "Bumble Bee."  The author wrote that all the hybrid iris we see today came from this one iris.  They used it to create all the single color iris as well as the two colored and variegated iris.

The one above actually has been bred to have a white trim around the edges of the falls.  One can buy them today from growers in the United States.

This is a repeat showing of this cemetery iris.  It is a fragile one as the rains kept if from being very showy.  I may still get a better shot of it but it doesn't do well in the rain.  I had a lavender one of this kind but I think it died out.  I am always on the look out for it in gardens and the cemeteries.

This is another view of my white large clematis.  It has done well this year and already two of the blooms have faded away.  I hope it doesn't get that disease where it dies down suddenly.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. 


  1. Hello Lsrry:
    The bearded Iris are such wonderfully varied flowers. So many different colour combinations and, with their strap-like leaves, they really do make a show in any garden. Yours are lovely!

  2. Lovely and great info on the cemetery Iris.

  3. Oh man, my irises have come and almost gone but they sure put on quite the show this year.

    Ya sure did 'em up proud in your marvelous pictures. Beautiful!!!

    My clematis is just beginin' to flower...mine's purple. I love that arbor your beauty is climbin' on.

    God bless ya and have an awesome kinda day!!! :o)
