Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday'a Wanderings.......

The hosta next to the garden gate is large. I moved another hosta that sat next to it last year as it was never going to be able to compete with this variety.  I don't know any names of my hostas. I just know that I like having them as they grow so well with such little care.

This is one of the old fashioned roses that was growing along the house when I first bought it over 35 years ago.   It has been moving itself as it spreads by the roots.  I have it growing on the back side of the house now as it traveled under a fence and moved into another garden area in the backyard.

Grandma's red peony is doing well. I have it planted in a few different places.  They didn't seem to be affected by all the wind and rain so they will be blooming up off of the ground.  I take too many shots of this flower as the red peony is so wonderful.  It  of course is hard to take as the macro sometimes see a different color than it is.

I am a trouble shooter today. I have been in the math room first hour and also did an emergency cover job for a music instructor.  We had the seniors turn in their computers and those all have to be checked and put into storage on numbered shelves.  They will become next year's freshmen class computers.

It is warm in the school building today so I bet it is warming up already outside.  Thanks for  stopping by my blog today.

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