Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday's wanderings......

The wild roses in my backyard are starting to bloom.  They show their flowers rapidly and it seems like they are gone too quickly.  The buds are everywhere but the blooms have some splotchy color because of the cold snap a month ago in April.

When the warm  front came through in March it caused a lot of changes in the plant growth.  The hostas are large.  It usually takes most of spring for them to mature.  I know that parts of Alaska where the daylight stays for most of the day that plants do grow bigger.  I think our early summer weather cause these guys to move up two months.   I keep thinking the hosta to the right might be a family member to the one called "Sum and Substance."  It has very large leaves and looks like I will need to split it up for new growth.

I kept a redwood flower box planted with chives.  I have had it for years as it just came up every year. We liked using it on our baked potatoes.  For some reason the whole thing died out the last winter.  I planted some new starts from another part of my garden and it is timidly taking off and growing.  It will be a few years before that box fills up again.  I will put fresh soil in it again this year to revive it's growing matter.

The field lilies are actually taking off early this year also.  I have Asiatic lilies in there and they usually are bigger, taller than the field lilies when they bloom.  This is a view off my west side of the patio for those newbies who don't know my backyard.

This iris is blooming right now.  The ones that came from my parents property are blooming at the neighbors but mine will be a few more days to open.  She has them planted on the north side of the house and one would think they would bloom earlier than ones that are out in the sun.

I am tech guy today but tomorrow I have been promised a busier day.  The high school is taking off in the afternoon leaving all the different middle school classes that high school teach, open.  I will probably jump from social studies to English to math to pe all afternoon.

I took an old man spill yesterday while pitching in middle school pe.  I had bad shoes that wouldn't allow me to stop being propelled towards a ball that I was trying to catch.  I fell on my shoulder, doing a tuck and roll, then rolled right over summersault, was back on my feet and the one little girl tossed me the ball to start pitching again.  I didn't have time to think about what had happened but am a little achy today. I guess the little girl thought I was 13 and I roll around while playing the game all the time.

Thanks for stopping by my post  today.


  1. Your garden is looking beautiful !
    Everything so green and lush, and blooming happily.
    Love those Hostas, and your Iris is spectacular, I have a preference for purple flowers, they just are so serene.
    Have a wonderful day !

  2. What a lovely garden...and photos!

  3. Sure is a nice garden. To me the hosta looks like my Royal Standard, but you may be right. I like the old-fashioned field lilies mixed in with everything. Phil/Minnesota

  4. The rose buds are beautiful. It's as if I can smell them just looking at your photo. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Love the wild rose! That Hosta ..who knows there are so many of kinda looks like Sum and Substance. Have a good day Larry:)
