Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bargain Plants......

I purchased two of these for a dollar each at Walmart.  They are a new plant for me and they are globe basil.  The smell is wonderful and I will get them planted in the next couple of days.  I have to keep them alive long enough to enjoy the leaves with the tomatoes.

I am a sucker at collecting about everything.  Once I have two I need to buy a third variety.  I have more than three hardy geraniums and this is my new dollar addition.  I bought it for the leaf coloration.  It is great.  I just transplanted it into a larger pot in hopes that it will grow bigger to fill it.

It is Thursday and it is only a two day week so that is good.  It will be hot and I will drink water continually for the day.  It is the non air conditioned area that we will be working in today.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Larry, I know what you mean about having the basil with the tomatoes. Already the basil is seeding itself and I keep cutting off the tops and bringing several shoots indoors. They do keep when placed in some water and are very handy when cooking. We've had a few tomatoes already.

  2. A great bargain on both plants Larry !
    Ooh, the basil will be lovely with your vine-ripened tomatoes, enjoy :)
