Saturday, August 18, 2012

Great Memories.........

Yellow Kitty

What a great girl she was to have as a pet.  We have had her for almost 18 years. She liked crawling up a ladder to get onto a roof. She would then peer down on the world with great joy.  She would attack Christmas decorations when she was younger and she made sure we kept her fed well. She was Button's favorite cat.  They were such best friends. She loved to lay on a lap and sleep.

We knew we were going to loose her the past few years as she was aging and failing a lot. She lost her hearing at the last and was needing a lot of care to keep her from wandering away from the yard. She did always make it back to the front door eventually when she would disappear at night.  She was ready to be fed and let us know about it.  She spent a lot of time in the basement in her basket or the dirty clothes basket as Barney was not a fan of cats.  She scratched his nose early when we brought Barney home and he stills has a mark on his nose from it today. 

Thanks Yellow Kitty for sharing your life with us.


  1. I have followed your posts on Yellow Kitty she was a special, and beautiful cat. So sorry for your loss. She had a full, and wonderful cat's life, with you.

  2. Yellow Kitty had a very good life with you two. I am so sad to learn of her passing. I will miss your blog posts about her - she was loved by many.

  3. Sorry for your lose. So nice to have had such a special kitty.

  4. Yellow Kitty had a good life with you and your dear wife. I am sorry for you loss.


  5. Aww Yellow Kitty, I will miss seeing your sweet fuzzy face, and reading of your adventures.
    My heart is heavy for your loss...

  6. I am so sorry Larry and Della too..Yellow Kitty was a regular feature here on the blog..I always liked reading about her. She had a good long life with you:)
