Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday's Moments..........

The rains renewed the life of the dandelion. You can see how dry it is with the grass being dormant and just like in spring the dandelion is the first thing up and blooming.

The burning bush as a lot of leaves dried up and falling to the ground.  On the other side, one leaf things it is fall and has turned red already.

I took shots of the cornfield nest door and I was pleased to find the wild morning glories were blooming.  It was Saturday afternoon and they were still in bloom.  I have not caught pictures of the ones that I planted near my garden shed.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. My burning bush has done the same thing two years in a row with this drought- maybe one or two red leaves, the rest just fall off.

  2. Field Bindweed..Farmers hate that plant...I have always found it pretty too:)

  3. Very pretty morning glories.

    I always enjoyed our burning bushes at the old place. I imagine our heat has affected those, also.
