Sunday, August 26, 2012

Pontiac Revisited........

A visit to my neighbor's weathering car gave me a lot of photos. The Silver Streak is a Pontiac. I like the waterfall like design on the front hood of the car.  It was originally a blue car as you can  see in the last photo.

Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. These are some of my favorite photos, Larry. Speaking of Silver Streak...when I was in college, I drove my dad's 74 Caprice Classic - it was huge - a 2 door! My girlfriends lovingly named it "The Silver Bullet!"

  2. The hood and steering wheel are so beautiful - they just don't put that much style and grace into cars now. thanks for sharing.

  3. Now that is a real car! I would love to go for a spin around town in that! Great photos Larry! :)

  4. Too bad this car is obviously rusting and deteriorating in your neighbor's yard, Larry. It would make a great restoration project for a car fan, although a costly one for sure.
