Saturday, August 4, 2012

Start picking..........

My first tomato was picked last night.  It is about the size of a tennis ball.  We won't have to worry about having too many tomatoes this year but we will enjoy the small crop as they ripen the next few weeks.

The zinnia patch is limping along as the ground is very dry and the temps are staying in the upper nineties. I will have photos of zinnias but the true picture, the non macro picture is right before you.  I venture out and put a watering can full of water on them every evening.

I mowed the weeds away from the edges last night.  My boss found me a wonderful newer push mower at a garage sale and I went out and used it in the 97 degree heat. It cost me 25 bucks.  What a deal that is and it was nice of him to spot it for me.

This is the first photo of them that I am now posting.  You can see that I had just finished watering the plants with the water droplet on the one petal.

It is Saturday and we have no plans.  It is tough getting out in these high temperatures. We ventured out Friday afternoon to get a pair of very needed new glasses for me.  We came home as soon as possible.

It is nice to have the weekend here and resting does sound like a good idea.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.  Have a good weekend.


  1. I know you'll both enjoy the tomatoes. Happy to see your zinnias are surviving. That's a great buy you got on the lawn mower. Hope you both can relax and enjoy the weekend.

  2. Love the photo of the fish on your header!

    Yummy tomatoes. Enjoy.

  3. My new Zinnia's look like yours but no blooms yet.I know-- that first tomato is the best.

  4. Your tomatoes are prize-winning! Simply beautiful. It is a miracle with all this heat and lack of rain that you have tomatoes. Good for you. Thank you for sharing.
