Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday's Findings..............

It is a one spot in the middle photo.  The mum is small and most of them have not opened.  I did want to pick up the color of it to share even though it appears to be quite lonely.

It is taking a long time for this sedum to open up fully into bloom.  It turns a darker red once it does mature. A much needed rain would help out but nothing is forecasted.

The birch is now changing its color.   It is doing one stray branch at a time right now.  It is a great yellow when seen in the sun with all of the leaves have turned.

It is finally Friday.  It has only been a four day week for me but it still has seemed to be a long one.  I am curious if I will continue subbing for the injured teacher.  He will have the weekend to figure out if he can walk back into the classroom.  I suspect he will need a few more days to function even while he is in pain.  My own experience with broken ribs is that he will be gone most of next week.

We are looking at warmer weather for this next week and it will be welcomed.  With the severe heat of the summer, 80 degree days seems to be comfortable.  I don't have plans for the weekend but I have plenty of things to do.

Thanks for stopping by the post today.


  1. The pink mum might be lonely, but it is lovely, Larry...sort of enjoyed all those "Ls in this sentence! Our Sedum has just turned redder so it will be going to seed soon. The trees are still all green. Our temps have been in the mid 80s the past couple of days and we even took off the bedspread lightweight quilt we were using last week when evening temps dipped into the 50s. Inidian summer weather is nice, but cooler temps would be nice and a bit more rain as well.

  2. Hi Larry, Mum is the word for fall..between Mums and Asters there are all kinds of colors. Hope you have a good weekend:)

  3. Very nice fall photos, Larry. Both John and mom have had broken ribs, also. I would think this teacher would need at least 2 weeks. I know that driving on the pain med is dangerous.

  4. I love the purple colors of your flowers. Purple is my favorite color. Our leaves here in Michigan are about 60% into fall colors now. I'm glad that you guys are able to enjoy some cooler temps now too!
