Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hey, it is Wednesday!

My birch is probably 25 years or more old now.  It is big and puts out a great show with its leaves and of course with its bark. The leaves usually turn yellow before they drop and that hasn't happened yet.  Fall has been early for some things but this tree knows its calendar and is going to play by the rules.

We didn't get a frost or freeze so the morning glories are stil putting out it's trumpet shaped blooms.

Being unemployed two days in a row gave me a four day weekend.  It was nice as I rested a lot and I also moved some of my iris.   I had iris that needed sunshine and I had iris that were just given to me from an associate at school.  The bag full of rhizomes was marked with suggested colors that they all may be.  They were from a bed that had all lavenders and light blues.  It may take a couple of years to see those new ones bloom but the work does payoff in the end.

Iris Last Spring

I am subbing today for a staff person who rolled his four wheeler.  It may be a while before all his ribs and collar bone are healed.  I don't know if I will be placed in his postion to sub for him long term but I am him today.

It will be another warmer day today.  I am appreciating the weather.  Once I lighted the pilot light on my furnace, it warmed up.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I have always loved your birch tree. I notice ours is almost bare. The leaves have been falling down for a few weeks now. That's a sweet morning glory, too. I guess it would be nice to know you had a long-term position, rather than the unknown each day. We have warmed back up and have not turned on our heat yet.
