Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday's Things......

When it gets cold the colors start to change on the leaves but there are a few things out there that put out their fall color in a different way. The redtwig dogwood puts out such a great red color on its branches.  The sedum finally put out it's full blooms of color and leaves turn bright yellow as they start to die.

 We had frost in the far northwest corner of the state and we are now cooling down more as the earth keeps tipping. I like the fresh air but I don't like the thought of a furnace running continually night and day for three months.  I have not lighted my pilot light for the furnace yet but will probably do so in the next couple of weeks.

I will be in the special education room again today at the high school level.  It is a different kind of job as kids and associates come and go with students all day.  Test giving ends up in my room for assistance in reading. Individualize teaching in Math or Reading takes place also.The room is like a second home for them which is a safety device to help students to be successful.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. I especially love that red twig dogwood. We are receiving a good amount of rain today but temps are still very warm. Like you, I dread the days of the furnace running. Hope your day is pleasant.

  2. I planted a redtwig last fall and cannot wait to see how it will look against the snow. But no rush on the snow part.

  3. The redtwig dogwood is so pretty, and still fitting for the Fall color.
    Your sedum is blooming...I think the Lilac color is special, mine seemed to turn more pink !

  4. We haven't had frost here yet in Michigan, but I know it's coming soon!

    Love the colors on the flower pics you posted, Larry. Really pretty!
