Monday, October 15, 2012

Aww Shucks or All Shucks........

The corn is gone leaving the shucks and the corn cobs laying on the ground.  The farmer will soon come along and work the leftover material back into the ground.

 The neighboring landowner also has their corn picked.  You can see corn stalks all the way to the horizon.

It is Monday and it seems to be a good day for me.  I appreciate you stopping in to see my sights and read my ramblings.  Have a good day.


  1. They are harvesting corn up here too..I hope you have a good week! :)

  2. Beautiful photos. I've never seen fields so big! Hope the week goes well.

  3. Most of the corn in this area dried up because of lack of rain, so nice to see this field harvested.

  4. In looking at the brown stalks, I already miss the greenery of summer. However, I think that seeing the more muted (and unattractive) colors of late fall and winter help us all to appreciate spring and summer a whole lot more.
