Monday, October 8, 2012

Bury me next door.

I looked out last week and watched the neighbor kids installing their Halloween cemetery. I told my wife that if I died during this next month she wouldn't have to take me far to put me into the ground.

Maple leaves are looking great.  We visited with friends of ours out at their home in the woods near Luther, Iowa last night.  The fall leaves were peaking a few days ago and then suddenly just turned brown.  I guess the hard freeze stopped the color.  They have a timber area next to their house and it was all brown. The grasses and leaves all are muted brown.

 Our friends are both artist, living out there in the woods and next to their house is a wild prairie that they planted.  I told them they need to add buffalo to make it complete.  They have plenty of deer, raccoons and possum.  We avoided hitting three deer on our way home as I was keenly aware that there is a large heard of 30 or more deer that live in the area.

Three stray ones were trying to cross the road and I had to wait for one of them to cross before I could travel on home. We have had to wait before, last winter,  for the herd to cross the road as there are more of them than me. It reminds me of when the herds of buffalo in the Dakotas decide to cross a road and you just park and wait for them to move through and quit crossing the highway.

 We also toured the nearby Ledges State Park which is next to their property.  It too had no color on any trees.  Our friends said the red of the sumac last week was great but now it is all brown.  I guess we are lucky to live in town where our  trees were not affected the same way.

The hostas are failing quickly and they are mostly gone now.  The grass that you can see under the leaves is still green.

It is Monday and the day has started.  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  We will warm up today to 71 degrees and it will be a sunny day.  I may have to work outside today when I get home.  I need to return to the neighbor lady's house to finish putting sheeting on her wall above her sink.  I told her I was too sore fron using unused (less used) muscles to return today.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. So glad you two had leisurely time with good friends. They sound like they have a gorgeous place to live and lovely scenery for painting. We are at 58 degrees at noon. Very cloudy and cool for me, but I'm going to walk! UGH!

  2. The kids did a great job on erecting that cemetery. It looks great!

    Bummer that so many of the leaves and grass were yucky brown around your friends' place. I love the fall colors, but once they're done, it's sad to see everything looking so blah.

  3. Wow, the kids did a wonderful job on erecting that cemetery! Very neat!

    Bummer that the color around your friends' place was all brown and muted. I love the fall colors, but once they're gone, the landscape certainly does look yucky.

    Thirty deer in the herd? We have herds around our house too, but they're much smaller...maybe 5-9 deer. They are such beautiful animals, but good that you were careful driving because hitting one is NOT fun!
