Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Freeze.......

It doesn't take long for the hostas to fade away once it gets to 32 degrees F.  I was out at the garden shed to get some tools this morning and a morning glory was putting out a bloom even though the majority of the vines are frosted and dying.

We spent our morning helping out our neighbor by applying wall board to her small kitchen walls.  The pieces that had to be cut looked like puzzle pieces as I cut shapes out of four by eight sheets.  Della went along and we had a lot of fun figuring out all the different dimensions needed to fit the pieces over doorways and around cupboards and electric sockets.  We didn't get done but did not expect to as there is moulding for the whole room to cut also.  The paneling is actually fake stone and it is a nice looking product. It required us to match the rows of stone as we cut out the different parts.

A late post today as I am tired from all of that work and I am now just winding down for the day. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You had a freeze already !
    We are down in the forties tomorrow night, I hope the frost stays away.
    I bet the kitchen looks great, how kind of you to help.
    Rest up....

  2. I know you both must be tired but I'm sure your neighbor was very appreciative. I hope you both enjoy your Sunday.

  3. Wow, sounds like a difficult job with the wall board, but I'm sure your neighbor appreciates the help! :-)
