Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday's Things........

What can I say?   I took a lot of photos last night and as I start my morning I realize that I didn't get them downloaded or edited.  So I will wing it with some leftovers as far as my photos are concerned.

I was saving this photo for my "Photo a Day" site but I will retake more photos later of the sedum when more of them have turned red.  I suspect the light sprinkle this morning will encourage the rest of the sedum flower heads to open up to reveal their red little flowers. The cold weather forecasted won't bother this plant much unless it is a really hard freeze.

The afternoon sun helps to make the birch leaves look brighter.  In another week the tree should be completely yellow.  Our fall tree colors are going to be great this year so I will be out in the cold wind taking shots of them in the next few days.

Barnabas had a bath again last evening.  He survived some rough health this summer and now that the flea invasion is over he is back to his skin allergies.  We are going to try to wash him more often during the last of these dry autumn days.  He rolls in the dry, dusty, Iowa dirt and wears it on his fur.  I had thought he was turning gray earlier this summer when I realized that it would all wash out.

He was not happy about the bath but Barney cooperates pretty much because he wants to obey.  I went scissor happy last night and trimmed off some of his beautiful fur on his back legs.  The problem with that fur is that it prevents one from keeping the rest of the back end fur from being maintained.  I chopped off a lot of hair that was good and a lot of very matted bad hair.  He doesn't look to great from the back view.

 I will try to brush it out today and hope he grows back in soon.  It wasn't an even cut at all because I was in a hurry.  I didn't know when Barney would realize what was happening and if he would object.  He doesn't want us to mess with his back end ever.  I think the cool water kept him in a trance while we worked.  I had two buckets of warm water to pour over him at the end to warm him and rinse him at the same time.

His scratching is way down this morning and he was flopped out on the couch with an afghan, because no one was watching, and sleeping away while I was getting ready for work.

Friday is coming for sure and I hope your Thursday goes well for you.  Thanks for stopping by my blog today.


  1. Your flowers are still looking so very pretty, let's enjoy them before the first frost hits !
    I know it's hard to keep the fleas under control, Frontline seems to work best for Oliver.
    Enjoy your Thursday, the weather here is lovely...

  2. Yes frontline plus works well for us. We don't know when it is allergy and when it is fleas. We used to treat him for fleas when the vet said no you have a skin condition. After this summer we will just treat him for the three or more months to take that away from equation.

  3. Barnabas is so very handsome. So, he likes that afghan to sleep on when no one is looking!!! Too bad about his allergies. Glad he seemed more comfortable this a.m.
    Your flowers and the tree are so very colorful. I know you are looking forward to the weekend. Have a good Friday.

  4. I got your first photo like a gift for my birthday, thank you :)
