Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Looking forward......

It will be great to dig out my trains again and display them for Christmas. 

It lets an old guy sort of be a kid again one more time. 

I am still amazed that I was able to look down to the floor of this trash filled attic floor and find this laying at my feet. 

Hot tea is on my list of great things to drink right now.  My health seems to be enhanced with a cold that just won't go away.  The tea helps to slow the cough and warm the old man's body. Day two back from the Thanksgiving break. Christmas break comes exactly four weeks after the last one. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Hi Larry, I hope your cold or crud gets better soon. My husband had it almost two months..it was a bugger to get over.
    Looks like you are chomping at the bit to get on with Christmas..I am looking forward to seeing your ornaments again:)

  2. I love your old train sets. I've been wondering where to put my train set this year.

  3. Grenville is a big train fan, but we are not setting any up this year. Once we sell this home and relocate, they will come out of storage once again.
