Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Miniature Mania.........

I found these small clay buildings stored in a coffee mug that I had brought home from school. I guess I wanted students to think about making things in miniature from clay.  These were examples for them to view before they started their own project.  The top one is suppose to be the out house for this set and the small one a dog house.


  1. Hello Larry:
    These tiny houses are adorable. We too have a fascination for all things small and absolutely love our dolls' house which enables us to collect tiny things without a conscience!

  2. Those are sweet. I love hand made pieces like that.


  3. Mini works of art - just lovely.

  4. Very cool..I bet it did get the students interested!

  5. Awww. All of the pieces are really cute. I love that they're miniature. The little dog house is adorable.

    I've never made anything from clay, but when I was at college, my roommate used to do it all the time. I remember her bringing me into the art room and introducing me to my first kiln. I was very impressed.
