Friday, December 21, 2012


We finally received a blizzard.  We need the moisture no matter what form in which it comes.  They average the measurement of snow but a foot of snow is my call.  It is heavy and wet and the drifts are higher than a foot. School was cancelled yesterday because of the wind and snow. Our rural roads take two days to get cleared of snow. Today it is cancelled because of the ice that showed up under all the snow.  Our neighboring town has no electricity and it is very cold today. It is 8 degrees right now this morning and will warm up to 23 degrees by afternoon.

My neighbor's son cleared our driveway and I took a layer of snow and ice off of the car yesterday.  I will warm up the car again today and try to get two packages mailed at the post office.

The snow was blown against all structures and trees and as you can see here it is still attached to my gate.

I finished up all but one frame job yesterday with the day off and we are going to finish off the tree decorating.  I really needed the day off as I worked from dawn to dusk getting the framing done. Today school is also closed do I can move slower and start to move into more of a vacation mode.  We need to go shopping at the mall but we will wait to see how the roads look by this afternoon. The ice coats the streets in our town but out in the larger traffic areas they will use chemical to clear it.

It was nice to get to start the Christmas break early and today will be a bonus to take off the stress of getting things done.  We may not do cards this year unless we can find something today locally to purchase. Della finished her last dog portrait yesterday and we have that to deliver and one to ship the day after Christmas.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your home looks beautiful with the snow and I love your blue gate frosted with snow. Glad you both have some extra time off to get caught up and enjoy Christmas.

  2. You got snow! The house looks so cozy and warm! You needed the days off to catch up..have fun in your winter wonderland:)

  3. Sure looks like Christmas time! You got more snow than us, and we're starting to thaw out already.

    Merry Christmas.
