Thursday, December 6, 2012

Close to being done!!!!!!!

I have been too busy to take the next step pictures of the flag case but it is close to being finished.  I really like how it turned out.  I left blemishes and encourage the knots to show as I wanted it to look like a craftsman piece rather than a perfect work with lots of machinery.  As the person who asked me to do this said, "I could buy one at Hobby Lobby but a personally made one by my  brother's friend would be better."

I had to solve a lot of my engineering problems that develop when one refuses to use a power router.  I need to work on the back piece next then I should be done.

I installed the glass last night and the inserts to hold onto the back door. I will need to buy gold metal pieces to hold the door closed. I put about 5 coats of paste wax on it last night and it really makes it smooth to touch.  I will have more pictures soon.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I shared this lovely flag case with John today. It really turned out beautifully. We also thoroughly enjoyed looking through your wife's paintings. You both are very talented.
