Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve.......

My fish are hungry and they do enjoy the warm water inside.  The colored rocks are my son's selection when he attended college.  It was left here and I am now using it for my three gold fish.

I did manage to get some of my trains out for under the tree.  My space is so much smaller that I didn't really get a good show with them.

I really like caboose cars.  I notice that the wheels are not on this one and I do have some spare parts to use in replacing them.  The brown boxcar is a classic style that brings back many memories of watching trains pass by when I was young.

My brother bought these two sets for my father many years ago.  When I closed down the house in Osceola he refused to take anything back with him to California.  I have them for now and maybe my boys will eventually take them.

The town ordinance gives us a deadline to shovel our walks.  The irony of it all is they have piled three to four foot of snow on the corner of my street from the road.  My sidewalks are like the bridge to nowhere. I have them cleared mostly but one will have to climb over the drifts if they try to walk down it.  I chose not to hand shovel them as I see most all of the other neighbors chose not to do so also. Actually the people in this town walk in the street year round as our old sidewalks are really narrow and hard to walk on when the street gives one plenty of room.

The path stops here.  I have a small layer of fluffy snow on the path at the time of the shots being taken but it is gone now as it settled in and frozen down to the snow packed sidewalk.

I am at work again today on New Year's Eve.  I am off at 2 and we have an appointment at 3 in West Des Moines.  I think we will grab a meal and we will probably sleep into the new year.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Happy New Year to all of you.


  1. I'm sure glad I don't have to shovel snow.

    Wishing you and your Dear Wife a wonderful 2013.

    FlowerLady Lorraine

  2. Larry,
    Wishing you a most bright and spectacular 2013 with your artist muse finding much inspiration to share with us as it has this past, Thank You. – gary

  3. Thanks for sharing the snow with us thru your photos, Larry, but I dislike shoveling so will be no help there. Grenville is a train fan as well, but didn't set up any tracks this year as we had a small artificial tree and no space on the table where it was placed. Enjoyed your posts over the past year. Happy New Year and glad the fish are happy.

  4. Happy New Year, Larry. I hope you had a peaceful evening as planned. I was in bed asleep before midnight and didn't hear the (few) fireworks that were let off in the village.
