Monday, December 3, 2012

Old Photos Found......

I scanned the two, the photos were buried in picasa and I didn't remember that they existed or where the actual photos are.  What struck me funny, is that the stone tells about the side of my Grandmother Burgus' parents.  For some reason the Burgus family just wanted to concentrate on the Burgus line, but my grandmother's line is British and these are here parents.  Thomas and Sarah Turner.  The photo is of my dad years ago looking at the stone.

The Union cemetery is in Dallas County Iowa north of the town of Murray.  My grandmother met her husband, my grandfather Burgus at a church near there.  The Burgus', Turners and Abernathy families all attended there.  Great grandmother Sara Turner had a mother that was an Abernathy.  Turner, Burgus and Abernathy were of the many families that built that church many years ago.

The cemetery is the natural result of the Church being nearby.  I don't know the Riggles but the photo of all the handmade stones is interesting.

They are not the same house but they are the same house.  The house above is in Corning, Iowa.  Mine of course below is in Woodward, Iowa.

Credit for the picture goes to a friend of Far Side of Fifty, a blogger friend from Minnesota, who posted it on her Forgotten Old Photos Blog. I cropped the picture of the house out of the larger photo of the family portrait in front of the house. Check out both of the sites I linked to above, and see how the Minnesotans are doing up there.

The porch on the left of the above house was turned into a bedroom by a previous owner. The bay window is the same but I have replaced all of the windows. The neighbors of my house have a photo showing a fancy porch on the front of the house, the right side of my house and also another fancy porch around on the other side next to the kitchen.

I am a tech guy again today.  It seems to be busy everyday as there are so many loose ends with all the labs and portable labs in the building. Thanks for stopping by today.  I doubt you missed me but I just didn't find the time to blog for two whole days and I see the world did not come to an end because of it. Have a great week!!!


  1. I did miss your posts but hoped that you two were enjoying the weekend!

    I have known Connie/Far Side for many years thru blogging and especially love her Forgotten Photos blog.

    I enjoyed the family history/photos and cemetery pics today, Larry.

    You two have such a lovely home!

  2. Awesome the way the houses are so similar! Way cool:)
