Sunday, December 23, 2012


A blizzard can be a blessing for those who still have electricity.  Our Christmas traditions cause us to have a lot of work to do and we like doing it.  It just is that time is always the factor that prevents things from happening. There is never enough of it.  Because of the blizzard we had a two day gift to get our work done.  The trees are all up, manger scene on the mantel, framed worked distributed, art work shipped or distributed, packages shipped to four different locations and we finished our shopping yesterday.  There are minor things left to do and we just didn't send out cards this year.  We will email some and the rest we can ship out a note later after Christmas. We baked a few dozen cupcakes last night for our Sunday school group, kids and adults will get one.  My class is going to frost them to teach giving of time and gift giving.

The blizzard is a factor in everything when it comes to getting out and about.  The storm packed down on the highways, melted a little, then froze down hard.  It left highways in a mess as they could not get it off the highways.  It was like traveling on a pan of broken up peanut brittle candy.  We have to drive slowly.  Interstates as well as all local roads have the same condition and maybe by today it will get worn down. I sure hope so.

I may have time to get a lot of photographs now as chores are getting done.  I hope that I don't bore you with decoration shots until July, but I might. Maybe I should just start a blog for Christmas ornaments year round.  I will finish scooping out the sidewalks this afternoon and maybe will put up some white lights on my front porch.  I still don't have my two lighted deer decorations outside.  The neighbor lady wants to get together this afternoon when we get back from church so that will be our first and only Christmas party.  It will be fun and she likes to hang out with us.  She shares  her Christmas plans with her family and will feed us a lot of sweet treats.

I hope everyone is doing well out there.  Everyone has different family situations and it is fun to hear about what each of you are doing.  We will have a quiet empty nest Christmas this year and we seem to enjoy it a lot anymore.  We have been living a busy life and time off will be nice to just spoil our time for ourselves.  There are three movies out there that are must sees, but the weather and roads need to improve. Christmas eve services are a solid tradition and the rest of the time is a time to rest.

I wish you all now on an early note to have a Happy Holiday season, a very Merry Christmas, and a great time of friends and or family to enjoy.  I appreciate my friends on this blog and I wish the best for each and every one of you. My prayers go out to those who are having tough times at this time and I pray for better days ahead.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your Christmas decorations very much. You may need a place to put all the ornament photos together.

    We will have a quiet Christmas Eve before joining our families Christmas Day and next weekend.

    Merry Christmas!
