Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Teddy Bear Tree.....CHECK

My wife and I have our first tree up.  It is her teddy bear tree that we put up this year in our art studio.  I ended up bringing up three different trees from the basement before I found the right one.  Of course the last tree that I looked at in the box should have been the first one to look in for as I don't have labels on them.  Each tree has something different about it as I peer into the box. I think a handy marker will let me label them before I return them after Christmas.

We are going framing supply shopping tonight and need to stop somewhere to pick up gifts for the boys and their wives.  We have to ship their gifts out soon and we will be relieved when we get it done.  Our weather is warmer that we thought it would be but cold is still cold. It is an early out from school today so we will take off early so we can get home earlier from our tasks.

I switched hats today to being a high school science teacher. I am doing freshman classes as well as some upper classmen courses. It is a nice room to work in and so far the kids have been behaving well.
It is Wednesday and the weeks are going fast before Christmas arrives. The pressure is building but we seem to always get done what we need to get done.

Thanks for stopping in and have a good day.


  1. I know the teddy bear tree is wonderful. Since you two are going out shopping, I'm happy it is not quite as cold as predicted. Take care and enjoy your time together.

  2. trying to visit some of my favorite blogger's blogs today, as I haven't been able to in quite a while! Loved the teddy bear tree idea, how cute!

  3. I've always loved Teddy Bear themed trees, and still to this day display my bears at the foot of our main tree.
    I hope you enjoy your shopping day, it's cold out there !

  4. I figured you would be all done by still have time! My Shiny Brite tree will be completed today..I hope. Science that sounds like fun to me:)
