Monday, December 10, 2012

That darn positive work ethic.......

I took on this project because the friend that died had a 19 year old son left behind.  I was asked to do this and was paid a little money towards it, even though I said I didn't want to be paid anything.  Many hours later of handwork I am close to being finished.  I put a lot of hours on these two things as I didn't have a pattern nor some of the tools that most people would have used.

I am glad that I worked so hard on it and my labor has paid off as they did become works of art.  An artistic, handmade product was really my goal with the project. I am still looking for special latches that are small and gold or brass.  They will help to keep the back on it.  I need to cut the small triangle of glass and I need to engineer a backing for the small medal holder.  I did get some framing done on Saturday but my major time was spent on this project.

It is 16 degrees F.  this morning and we will warm up to 26 degrees as a high.  The body has to readjust to these temps and it makes you wish for a blanket and a hot cup of coffee.  Instead I crossed the parking lot to be with school children again today.  The Spanish kids are doing worksheets, conjugating the verb Gustar.   I remember the verb and I could figure it out if I had to but I don't.  That is why Yo gusto being a sub.

Birds were flocking to the feeder the day before the snow storm.  I am looking forward to watching the birds at the feeders.  I think we ended up with and inch plus of snow Sunday.  At one time the goose feather  snow was coming down and I really like seeing that.  The roads were not dangerous but in town it was slippery.   One has to relearn about winter driving conditions.

I am saddened today about one of my fellow bloggers who lost her husband yesterday.  My heart is broken for her. I also admire her trust that she has with her bloggers for some of her support.  He had some serious health conditions going on the past few months of the year and the cancer overcame him.

The blogging world is one of the ways we all can express ourselves knowing in most cases that there are caring people at the other end.  Our lives are trying, we work hard, and we have fun too, but being able to share it is an important thing in this busy world of people walking around with texting machines in their faces.  Some of us have families that are not so near so being able to relate to people all over the country and the world is such a unique situation.  Lorraine will be in my thoughts and prayers for quite some time.

Thank you all for stopping in today.


  1. Dear L.D. ~ Your work is lovely for these two creations. My DH could relate to the time and effort put into these as he did framing and was a woodworker too.

    I understand why 'you like' being a sub too.

    Your weather sounds so cold. I am sitting here sweating as it is very warm and humid.

    Thank you for your kind words, they have touched me deeply. I am still in shock and with each kind post or comment the tears flow fast and furious. I am overwhelmed with all the love and support. I told DH yesterday morning before he went for the MRI that people were praying for him.

    Thank you for your prayers also. They are appreciated.

    Have a lovely Christmas with your dear wife. I know how you love to decorate. I'm getting in the mood myself, nothing elaborate though.

    FlowerLady Lorraine

  2. My sympathy to Lorraine in her loss. It is indeed a blessing to make friends thru blogging to share both the happy and the sad times with and to pray for one another.
    You have done a fine job on the display cases. I know they will be treasured.
    I guess your bitter weather has begun again for this winter. It would be very difficult for me to adjust. Stay warm and safe throughout the day.

  3. It is good to find friends in all areas of our lives. Blogging included. I too am sad to hear of Lorraine's loss. She is always a cheery 'voice' online.
    Your woodworking skills are very good. It looks grand. Stay warm.

  4. I feel bad for your blogger friend, I will have to go to her blog to visit...but you are so right Larry...when I can't read others' blogs, I feel the loss of the connection these friendships bring to my life..hope I can stay more in touch in the upcoming year!

  5. Oh my, so sorry to hear of your friend Lorraines loss..I hope she has the support of family.
    Your flag holder looks really great..a work of art! :)
