Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Dog and Cat Story........

The cat was in the yard when Barney left the kitchen door.  The cat jumped up onto the top of the fence at the lower part and ran along it.  He walked up the incline and ended up onto of the post.

Barney's tail is waging back and forth as he has great joy in barking at cats. I had to go out and scare the cat off the pole so Barney would just give up and come inside.

The cat was raised with many dogs.  He comes over for free food at our side door.  He really isn't too worried about any real danger from being around Barney or he would have jumped down and left on the other side of the fence. Many times the cats from the neighbors seem to be more irritated with Barney barking rather than have any fear of him.  When Barney does get close to a cat, he just puts his nose on them to encourage them to run faster.

We are very cold this morning at 2 degrees F.  I can't imagine it getting colder but they keep telling us it will be colder.  It is misery to walk to the car and then from the car to the school.  Biting cold is the description some would use.  I am in the middle school English room today again.  I think I visited here last week sometime, I don't remember as it all runs together after a while.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Love these pictures, Larry. Barney sure was enjoying himself! Too bad you had to make a trip out in that fretful cold to chase away the cat! Temps that cold would make me want to stay indoors with a cup of hot coffee! Hope your day is nice. Stay safe.

  2. Great excitement for Barney! Cold here too bitterly cold..guess we are sharing..sorry. you might need some snowpants! I have some that are flannel lined it helps keep the cold out:)
