Saturday, January 19, 2013

LIfe and Death on the Prairie

I seldom do a book review and this really isn't one because I have not read the whole book.  I skimmed it and looked at all the pictures. The book is by Stephen Longmire and I found it at my favorite bookstore.  It is a fascinating book about a cemetery and the prairie.  

The photos and the narrative is about the prairie cemetery in Rochester, Iowa.  The photos are beautiful, depicting a place where people have been buried since the mid 1800's.  Those who are in charge have struggled to keep parts of the cemetery in its natural state of wild flowers.  It is an active cemetery yet today with recent burials.

Large portions of it have been allowed to grow up with natural plants every summer. Photos show that the area is covered with older  oak trees. .  It is an amazing sight. The number of varieties of wild plants are in the hundreds and when you view the older parts of the area the very old stones project up out of the natural growth.  The newer part is mowed. From some of the information that I gleaned, it is a rare location full of so many varieties of natural plants and yet there is a continue conversation going on by some to get it to be all mowed.

It has been a late blog from me again on Saturday.  Thanks for stopping by my post.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. As we have traveled around the back roads of GA finding ancestors' graves, we have seen many wildflowers. Always such a joyful sight.
