Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pretty Patterns......

A divided glass dish that we had taken from the buffet to use of olives and pickles.  I was amazed at seeing the fancy classical patterns on the dish.

From the back view it has a completely different look.  I really don't know where this dish originated but it could have been my mom's.

Patterns of light and color can be seen in the large tree of ours.  We were late getting things completely up so we will probably wait for a couple of weeks into January before we start taking things down again.  We will start by doing it a tree at a time and spread it out for a few days.

I am back at school as a teacher today.  I inspected power emergency lights yesterday at school.  The batteries need to be replaced in them.  The emergency lights need to be working when the power goes out. In rooms without windows or hallways with low light they turn on with power failure. It was amazing how many were out there and where they are located.  I had to check each one and map it location for the head janitor. One really doesn't notice them on a daily basis but they are everywhere.

I also did an afternoon of painting above some lockers in a hallway.  Shorter lockers were installed and the paint had not been completely done behind them.  There was a band of unpainted wall behind them and it wasn't an easy job to do.  When I painted the unpainted band, I found out they gave me the wrong color of paint.  When it dried it was grayer in color than the rest of the wall.  So I was required to get out a paint roller and paint everything to match.  I wasn't a real happy camper as the job became a three hour job instead of a 20 minute touch up job.  I ended up getting paint on some bluejeans that I really didn't want ruined.  I actually had a lot of paint on them so I will have to replace them at Wally mart.

It is a two day school week and I just had a two day janitor week so I will be glad for Friday to come. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That is a lovely dish and I don't blame you and your wife for leaving Christmas up to enjoy awhile longer. It's all so colorful and beautiful.

    Sorry a 20 minute job turned into 3 hours and that you got paint on your jeans. DH would not have been a happy camper over that either.

    Enjoy the rest of your week ~ FlowerLady

  2. Such a beautifully detailed dish, I'm sure it has held many delicious pickles and the likes over the years..
    Your tree is splendid, so full of sparkle !
    Hope you and yours have a Happy and Healthy New Year my dear friend.

  3. That's a lovely platter. I served a tray of pickles/olives at Christmas to Larry and Brooke. The olives were not pitted - ooooops!!!
    Glad you can enjoy your pretty Christmas trees for a while longer.
    That's frustrating about the paint job at school. Hope today goes well.

  4. Now you know to use dark table cloths so you can see those patterns. It's really pretty.

  5. I still have my Shiny Brite tree up too..seems a shame to take it down..your tree is lovely.
    Beautiful platter..yes it looks old:)
