Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday's Things........

The scene is in glass and it is on a pedestal dish that we received as a gift years ago.  It is nicely decorated with the winter scene and the Santa hanging ornaments on a tree.

The little dog in this piece always makes us think of Button but he would never allow us to drape anything on him.

The angel tree sits in the dining room out of the way so it doesn't seem strange to have it up until now.  It is coming down today.  We started removing ornaments from it last night and we will finish it off in a hurry  today.

The village seems to be a good decoration for all of winter.  We won't take it down until we tire of it. I see there is a leaning tree on it but otherwise it looks good.  I really enjoy the way these buildings are created with all the scenes of the store set up for the view to see in the window.

I moved from middle school English to middle school history.  It is American History, Geography, and World History at the tree different grade levels that I will be working with today.

I survived a check up at the dentist yesterday.  I didn't feel too beat up from the check up and yet my teeth all seem super sensitive today.  I guess the polishing process does a number on each tooth making its nerve endings to react to the treatment.

Our weather continues as so does everyone else's.  I would like a warm up for a brief period just to feel more alive.  The cold tends to keep one restricted from being outside and also makes the heat bill increase each day.  The shock of cold air is not something one gets use to unless you overdress with many layers of clothes.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I left my village up for a while, but put it away a week ago. With the cold and snow you have, it is so much more appropriate. We had our version of cold, which is nothing compared to your cold, stay bundled!


  2. You have some lovely Christmas pieces and putting it all away would be rather sad. That's how I feel after every Christmas, the sparkle comes down and you get back into your normal life. At least we have LOTS of color in our little cottage and I enjoy that.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  3. Love your photos today. The village is very enjoyable. Weather forecasters tend to go nuts here in the Atlanta area but they are predicting an icy day for Friday. Everyone rushes out to buy milk and bread and then the ice does not come!
    John visited the dentist today. We always try to schedule the appt. near lunchtime and visit our fav. Chinese restaurant!
