Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday's Stuff........

I posted on facebook a photo, sharing my addiction to gummi bears.  I can't buy them or I will scarf them down instantly.  It doesn't take much to come off the wagon so to speak as my wife regifted them to me from a friends Christmas package.  I did make them last three days which was a record for me.   I actually have a first cousin that makes these in a factory in Creston, Iowa.  I should have her send me a case of them, that is if I weren't in AA because of them.

Top view of all my train pieces.  I promise that this will be the last that I share of them for the year.  I took front and side views of them and put them on my Photo a Day blog today.  I just as well clear the file and show them and be done with it.  I have two cars that have Montgomery Wards on the side of them and I am not sure that they really had rail cars or if that is what store in which my brother bought the trains.  I have the boxes, that my mom saved, that each of the cars came in when my dad received them.  I wonder if collectors would want them as part of their collecting practices or if I can just throw them away. I bet I shouldn't throw them away.  Somedays my sons can fight over them and they can have the boxes for resale if that is what they want to do with them.

Hey it is still growing.  I missed a day in taking its photo but I will get back to it again.  The dresser you see behind it is one that my late wife's family had and I restored it.  It has a mirror with it that hangs on the wall and it works well being used in the dining room.  It had an original finish that was dark black brown stain. I removed the wood back piece that held the mirror so it looks less like a bedroom piece of furniture. It just had happened that I bought at auction 30 years ago a chest of drawers that matches it.  I bought it at Riverton, Iowa for six dollars in the backyard of a rundown house.  Those were the good old days when you could go to an auction in southern Iowa and buy things of $10 or less.  Now the antique shops are all out there dominating the markets and the auctions.

I ended up being a high school science teacher yesterday and today I am Larrion the Librarian. It has been a quiet morning so far but I am bracing myself for the two large groups that come in durning the afternoon.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Our hairdresser is from Turkey and gummi bears are her favorite treat. We always take her a bag!
    The dresser you refinished is a fine piece.
    Hope your afternoon goes smoothly.

  2. Larrion the Libraiian..:) :)
    Save all your train boxes..the cars are worth more with the original boxes!
    I miss the good old auction days too..:)

  3. I love the train cars. I have my childhood set as well as my late brother's. I could spread out on the floor and watch those trains go round and round for hours. It reminds me of my Daddy and good times growing up.
