Wednesday, February 6, 2013

In The Middle Of The Week.....

They are like dancers on stage as the lean to create their posed look.  The sedum never bloomed fully and what was in bloom this past summer was dead looking or shriveled flowers.  So much for a drought filled summer.  Perhaps we will have more moisture and we can start over in the spring.

This is a hand painted dish that has no markings on it.  I have lost the history to the small dish so it could have been from family, friends or garage sale buying.  The hand painting on this one dish shows a lot of dabbing of glaze onto the plate with the same size and kind of round tipped brush.

The free hand painted lines in gold seem perfect for the design.  The edging must have been difficult as it seems a little bit out of control by the artist.  There are no markings on the back of this plate so it was done by a home artist or factory artist for commercial sale.

This hat pin container has all the look of hand painting on it but it isn't.  It is just s good stencil transfer with a hand painting design on it.

I am in the Special Education room in the morning and will be a study hall keeper in the afternoon.  We will be thawing out today with higher temperatures than normal.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Good to hear you are will get Spring before me! I have always thought about those artists that hand paint those dishes..perhaps the outer edges were painted after a coffee break:)

  2. Larry,
    While I am sorry the sedum did not lushly bloom for you in the summer, it has however made a striking picture in winter by means of your artist eye. – gary
