Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday's Moments..........

Here it the view we found out our window this morning.  It had put an extra four inches on top of the two or more inches that we had Sunday afternoon.  We snow sticks and as you can see the one bird in the feeder is helping himself.

My weather rocks were wet for two days straight.  Sunday afternoon the sleet did start up as you can see around the rocks.

Within an hour after the above shot was taken the snow started to fill in the spaces between the sleet.

By morning the rocks have been overtaken by the snow.  I take this particular shot as I can just open the back door and shoot.

Looking beyond the rocky ledge, this is what one can see.  I like how the posts collect the wet snow during a storm.

School was cancelled today due to the snow.  It is hard to get the buses through the country roads as they don't get cleared many times until the afternoon.  That makes the fourth snow day for the school. Two have been made up by attending classes on King and President's holidays.  There will be now two days tacked to the end of the school year.

I am getting a lot odd jobs and framing done today.  I don't think I will try to venture out until my drive get cleared late this afternoon.  The neighbor's son like to play with his tractor and blade and he isn't off work until two in the afternoon.  I will venture out after that to get the mail.  I will have to unload the snow that is resting on the car.  It will take a while to get it cleared.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I guess winter isn't over for you yet. It is spring here and we are having lovely weather.

    Hope you will see spring soon.


  2. Spring will be a bit late for you, it seems Larry. I liked your survival kit in the previous photo.

  3. Your snow is prettier than ours..we are sending more your way:)
