Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday's Things........

The view outside this window has actually improved since the photo was shot. The Thanksgiving cactus seems to be enjoying the bright light and it is cooler sitting in this window.  I guess I will never repot it as it loves the hard dry soil that it is in.

The begonias have been my best bloomers and here again is another shot of them.

This is a creative mug that I made for an example for the art students to see when I was teaching art.
It reminds me of a candle that I had during college.  He was called Freddie Ferd.  The beak of the bird was the whole length of his body with little eyes poking out at the top.

I am a science teacher today in the middle school classroom.  I am giving test in all of the classes which is a good thing.  They have busy work to do after they finish taking the test so it keeps them all pretty occupied.

 Warmer weather is a good thing and we are having it.  Our lake near here as well as all our streams and rivers are filled up.  It hasn't soaked in much so the runoff has been good for the waterways.  Lake Saylorville, a man made lake, is at its normal level now.  We do have snow predicted again for Monday.  All of our storms seem to hit on Mondays.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I hear Monday a big blizzard is coming..every weekend it storms:(
