Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday's Things.........

I was concerned that I had lost this plant.  It was a gift and I really had not seen it in bloom for a long time.  It is the ruffled edged red flower that is really a great color.

The second red flowering violet has smooth edged petals.  The leaf structure is similar but the color of the leaves are different.  I was also happy to see this blooming as both plants barely survived my die off of a majority of my collection.  I now hover over them and test their soil to see the moisture content at pretty regular routines of Mondays and Fridays.  If the soil  is cool it is still damp and doesn't need to be watered.

The town water has seemed to correct itself as the turnover from an old water plant to the new one must have required heavy chemicals to assure safe but awful tasting water.  I will fetch my water from the rain barrel now that it has warmed up enough to keep it from being a solid ice cube in the barrel.

I am home again today so I have to get work done on this one frame job.  I am collecting photos of the steps that it is taking to get there,  Once you see the finished job you will understand that my time and talent were being strained.  The maple frame is needing a finish of clear coat on it and I may get to it today.  The difficulties of the mat creation are being solved one step at a time.

Thanks for stopping by today.

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