Sunday, April 21, 2013

Blooming Potential........

The waiting continues until there are blooms.  The hyacinths are planted among vinca and also globe alums.  They will bloom first and the alums will be up soon.

The tomatoes continue to grow and I have not replanted them into be pots.  I should have a week ago but it will happen soon.  I can't nail down the time but I will go look for the pots this afternoon.

We will be 63 degrees warm today and that is great.  Rain is going to hit again tomorrow.  Thanks for stopping by today and have a good day.


  1. They don't look too bad yet can plant them deep! I have wanted to tell you I always enjoy the little photos of your grandson AJB on your sidebar..he is growing!! :)

  2. Like Connie - FarSide, I enjoy seeing your sweet grandson, too. They grow so fast. Nephew sent us a short video of Ellie turning over and lifting her little head this a.m.
    Love those tomato plants.
