Thursday, April 11, 2013

I've got nothing to do..........

Since I finished this project I have no other framing jobs waiting for me.  I don't think that has happened for a long time.  I have been on this one, off and on, for too long and now I have nothing to do.

I guess I could go clean out the basement and straighten up all the mess that was created while making the frame.  I could put the sander away and straighten up all the sandpaper.  I could go outside and get some yard work done once it stops sprinkling.

I also am still getting over the loss of my tooth, both physically and emotionally.  My perfect good teeth just split down the middle and they have to be removed to keep infection from setting in and destroying my life's future.

People ask at work as to how I am doing.  The tooth that I had removed had splintered and cracked and it was like having a  cactus in my mouth.  The hole in my jaw now and the pain and bruises seem minor compared to the continue gouging and cutting into my tongue and the inside of my cheek.  I had one day off,  the day of the extraction, and today I am back subbing, battling the fatigue of the pain killer and the craziness of kids  out of control.

The various rains that we have had are such a blessing.  We are behind by 9 inches and have now recovered 2 of those inches. My water barrel is completely full and we do have some puddles.  Unfortunately snow is forecasted but it won't last long.  Because of the rains the grass, tulips, weeds, and peonies are all bursting forth.  It really isn't that warm but the longer days of light are making things perk up a lot.

I am subbing for a music teacher today and will be doing middle school social studies tomorrow.  It is only Thursday but Friday is coming.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Take care. I hope you get to feeling better too. Nothing to do? Careful what you wish for.

  2. Your tooth needed to go! You will feel better without it for sure! We got more snow..real fun:(
