Thursday, April 25, 2013


This move of iris also looks healthy.  It is a planting under my river birch tree.  My pet cemetery is near there and I thought it would be nice to have flowers growing there.  The roots of the birch seem to be good at getting enough water as the grass seems to grow unter the tree without competition for moisture.  That is why I planted iris near and under the tree.

The globe alum are popping up among the vinca and hyacinths.  I bet my next week the alum will be blooming.

We had a stray white dog show up in our yard late afternoon on Wednesday.  It looked like a Westie but found out later that it had some terrier in it.   I saw the dog hanging around and it looked like a housedog and not a dog that would normally run the streets. We had three different identification tags on it but all were tags that were difficult to find identity.  The ARL one was the most frustrating as it gave a number that led me to menus and more menus of choices that never did give me to a person to talk to inorder to find out who owned the dog.  I had the number on the tag but no one at the other end of line to match it.

 I started walking the streets with the white dog hoping someone would recognize the dog.  I had no takers north of our house.   I headed south and three people standing outside who I knew tried another telephone number off of another tag. They had never seen the dog before either.  The second call finally gave us results.  The had an 866 number and the computer finally shared the dog's name was Gerdie.  It was first identified being from Grimes, Iowa.  Then they gave one of my friends the number to call to talk to the owner.  The owner had just moved to our town and Heidi answered the phone.  She and her husband didn't know she was gone.  The wind had blown open the backyard fence and they thought she was still in her yard.

Once we talked to the owners, I walked her to her home a block and a half away from where I was standing in the street.  Her owner, was standing at the door watching for me.  The man was on oxygen and could barely walk.  He was so grateful.  Gerdie had left their yard and walked up the street two and half blocks.  The way she acted towards the neighbor cats, she may have chased a cat all the way up the hill.  Maple Lane and her husband are always rescuing dogs so I felt good about imitating their works.  I was so glad to find her home.

Off to the Omaha area today for a funeral and then will be home by early evening.  I hope you all have a good day.


  1. Good for you helping Gertie to get home:)

  2. I am so glad you were successful in returning this beloved pet to someone not able to look for her themselves. Good job!
    First day at our new house, we had a kitty to come visiting - the neighbor boy told me she "belongs" to the neighborhood - one street of about 20 houses. When I told my brother Larry that, he said, "Yea, but what did YOU name the neighborhood cat???!!!!!
