Monday, April 1, 2013

What was there......,

Standing on the dam of Lake Saylorville one can see the skyline of Des Moines.  Three tall buildings is about the take on it.

The overflow of the dam is just barely putting out any water as the water level is so low.  The Des Moines River is above the dam and then the overflow lets out water back into the same river.  When there is a lot of water in the dam, they are able to supplement the river to bring it up to a high level when it is needed.

I shared this on my Photo a Day blog of the one lone eagle sitting on the ice island watching for fish. It was not really a successful day of viewing the American Bald Eagle but we weren't skunked. One on the shore and four or five of them up in the air at a far distance did mean we saw eagles.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

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